Just Meee Podcasts
We’re all celebrities in our own worlds. ‘Just Meee’ celebrates the extraordinary in everyday people who have managed to tough it out and be amazing. We hear from mums, dads, daughters and sons on how they’ve made it, and make it, through the hazards and highlights of this thing we call life. It’s an honour to hear from them and we hope you enjoy their journeys…
#51 Ryan Doyle - Inspire People To Move!
What struck me most when I met and interviewed Ryan was his pure love for movement.
It might sound unusual at first, but it makes perfect sense when you think about it. Our bodies, minds, and spirits are always in motion, so why don’t we embrace and celebrate it more?
This episode serves as a powerful reminder of why Ryan feels so strongly about “inspiring people to move.” His insights into movement, falling, and life itself are profound and energising.
It’s a truly magical conversation that invites us to view movement not just as a physical act but also as a way of being.
Thank you for this incredible gift, Ryan.x
#50 Conor Warren - If You Have An Idea, Go For It!
It’s so refreshing to hear the amazing work that Conor is doing for the “Youth Voice”, through his wonderful organisation ’Spark UK’.
His approach and fresh ideas on mental health, and making the world a kinder happier place are so needed.
If there’s a big message here, it’s to involve younger people in communities, societies, in business, and in government.
Thank you Conor for being the voice and platform for so many.x
#49 Neil Samworth (aka Sam) - Be Yourself
It’s not often you meet an author of a book you’ve loved reading. So meeting Neil, aka Sam, was truly inspiring.
His wonderfully down to earth and humble outtake on life is truly remarkable. And, his advice to us all is equally as wonderful.
Every minute of this podcast uncovers the timeless truth of being yourself.
From a young teenager who loved rugby to becoming a prison officer in Manchesters notorious Strangeways Prison, Sam’s life has taught him some beautiful lessons.
I hope you too will enjoy and learn from them.
Thank you Sam. x
#48 Luíza Machado Dias Domingues - Trust The Process
#47 Ben Harrey - Opportunity Is Everywhere
#46 Stef Jones - Small, Beautiful, and Loud
Stef took nearly 50 years to find his calling. And, what a calling it is!
Stef started a charity called Onwards & Upwards that helps prisoners find meaningful employment, and not return to prison.
Through faith and kindness his ultimate legacy is to see empty prisons, and to help give prisoners the opportunity to find a better way to live their lives.
Amazing. Inspiring. And wonderfully magical.
Thank you Stef.x