
These books are the result of years spent working with people from all walks of life, driven by our deep passion to make a meaningful difference and our genuine care for others. They are inspired by the magic that emerges when science, creativity, imagination, and lived experience come together, offering insights that are both practical and transformative. Through this blend, we aim to inspire and enable individuals, teams, and organisations to truly find their magic.

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Meee In A Minute book

Meee In A Minute - 60 ways to improve your life in 60 seconds

A book of 60 short, punchy chapters, each taking just one minute to read. This collection offers life hacks, advice, insights, science, stories, short exercises, thought experiments, and quotes that can help you improve your life.

Sometimes all it takes is a shift in thinking to see things from a new perspective, break free from a funk, and unlock a new option for positive action. While we often imagine change as an uphill battle, sometimes it can happen in just a minute.

Available in print, braille, audio, ebook, and Welsh.

Meee In A Work Minute book

Meee In A Work Minute - 60 ways to improve your work life in 60 seconds

This book offers 60 concise strategies to enhance your work life. Packed with life hacks, advice, insights, science, stories, and quick exercises, it’s designed to spark immediate improvements in your mindset and approach to work.

Celebrating the role of work in providing meaning and purpose, it promotes a positive and constructive attitude. Whether you need a fresh perspective before a key meeting, after a tough conversation, or when seeking new ideas, this portable guide is your go-to resource.

Available in print, audio, and ebook.

Meee In A Family Minute book

Meee In A Family Minute - 60 ways to improve your family life in 60 seconds

A book filled with practical tips and strategies to nurture, engage, and strengthen family bonds. It highlights that there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to family life; what truly matters is cherishing and cultivating connections within our first ‘tribe’.

Designed to suit every family, this book offers gentle nudges to shift perspectives and uncover new opportunities for meaningful interactions and growth.

Available in print, audio, and ebook.

Meee In A Minute - Welsh book

Munud I Miii - 60 ffordd i wella'ch bywyd mewn 60 eiliad

Llyfr o 60 o benodau byr, bachog, gyda phob un yn cymryd dim ond munud i'w darllen. Mae'r casgliad hwn yn cynnig haciau bywyd, cyngor, mewnwelediadau, gwyddoniaeth, straeon, ymarferion byr, arbrofion meddwl, a dyfyniadau a all eich helpu i wella'ch bywyd.

Weithiau, y cyfan sydd ei angen yw newid meddwl i weld pethau o safbwynt newydd, torri'n rhydd o ffync, a datgloi opsiwn newydd ar gyfer gweithredu cadarnhaol. Er ein bod yn aml yn dychmygu newid fel tasg go galed, weithiau gall ddigwydd mewn munud yn unig. Ar gael mewn print, braille, sain, e-lyfr, a’r Gymraeg.