
Sid Shares #7

Sid Shares #7

Published 2nd January 2020
A very Happy New Year to you. Here is my seventh monthly dose of “Sid Shares.” A list of what I’m enjoying and exploring. December was cold and very dark, but packed full of interesting experiences.
For me January is about gratitude and a thank you to 2019. Read more...

Sid Shares #6

Sid Shares #6

Published 1st December 2019
Here is my sixth monthly dose of “Sid Shares.” A list of what I’m enjoying and exploring.
November was hugely interesting, full of challenge and packed with learning. A really tough month but definitely one that nudged my life along in a positive way. For the month of December I’m going to dedicate it to anticipation. Read more...

Meee Books News

Meee Books News

Published 14th November 2019.
It's been a BIG year for Meee Books
The last 12 months have been an amazing journey for Meee and for our founder, Sid! Alongside running workshops for some of the UK's biggest businesses, Sid has been writing not ONE but TWO books.. Read more...

Meee's Good Life Experience

Meee's Good Life Experience

This year, Sid was invited to deliver a talk at The Good Life Experience Festival in Hawarden, North Wales. The event is held annually and welcomes guest speakers...

Meee In A Work Minute

Meee In A Work Minute

A NEW self-help guide from a leading business expert offers 60-second tips on how to cope with the demands of modern working life. Meee in a Work Minute follows...

Meee With Sandycroft C.P.

Meee With Sandycroft C.P.

We recently delivered our Meee Education Primary Global Programme to three groups of year 5 and 6 students from Sandycroft C.P School...

Our Pre-school Programme

Our Pre-school Programme

Working alongside Flintshire County Council, The Meee Programme recently delivered resilience and well-being training to over 20 Pre-school staff and individual...

Abergavenny Writing Fest

Abergavenny Writing Fest

Sid was recently invited to Abergavenny's Writing Fest to talk all about the wonders of Meee, discussing becoming a first-time author, writing with dyslexia...